Economic valuation of natural promenades using zonal travel cost method (Case study: Lavij forest ecosystem)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Graduate Student of Department of Forest science, ShahreKord University, Iran

2 Assistant Professor of Department of Forest science, ShahreKord University, Iran


According to daily increasing request of people for promenades and amusement centers, social and economic analysis and full review of people requirements is a key factor in providing required facilities. Zonal travel cost method was used in this study for economic valuation of Lavij forest. This method is based on map, overview, socio-economical characteristics of visitors of promenade and also increasing in cost and distant from region. Obtained data from completed questionnaire by visitors, statistical calculations regarding to distribution of visitors and estimating travel costs showed that Lavij forest has high promenade-economic value. Monetary value depends on beter natural location and beautiful sights around it. Results showed that the daily recreational value of Lavij forest is 330597530 Iranian Rials. Results provided some valuable information to graduate promenade level of Lavij forest. 
