Economic evaluation of turpentine exploitation in forests of Khoramabad township

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.Sc. graduated, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lorestan, Iran

2 Assistant Professor, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Lorestan, Iran


Lorestan forests are not considered for timber products, but they can play undeniable role in stability of ecosystems and livelihoods of inhabitants, soil and water resources protection, wildlife sanctuary, and various byproducts of these areas. Valuable tree species of wild pistachio is grown and has been used by residents in these areas. Wild pistachio is a deciduous plant; producing wood products and the resources of byproducts like turpentine. Based on the importance and economical value of turpentine, by codifying an accurate method, the exploitation and production of this product will be guaranteed. Since this will be considered as a sustainable income, it can provide an appropriate conservation of forest as production source. Accordingly, this research aims to investigate the exploitation method of turpentine in the forests of Khoramabad township and its role at employment in the section of natural resources. The results showed that the total amount of turpentine was estimated to be 13610 kg, and the total income was equal to 3691712500 Rials. Therefore, using the capability of forest areas and introducing the potential of forest for byproducts can be an invaluable help in providing the motivation for conservation and development of Zagros forests and on the other hand continuing the economic and social life of the inhabitants.
