Agroforestry, a method for socio-economic development of Guilan’s villages (Case study: Narenj Bon Paeen village, Langaroud)

Document Type : Research Paper


1 M.Sc. graduated, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Guilan, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Guilan, Iran


Providing socio-economic needs is one of the goals of agroforestry systems. The purpose of this research was to investigate of agroforestry as a method for socio-economic development of some villages of eastern Guilan’s that traditionally performed the agroforestry systems. In order to collect the data, Narenj Bon Paeen village located in Langaroud city was selected and questionnaire survey and interviews with farmers (all residents in the village) was applied. In this village tea plantation is the main activity which is accompanied with other agricultural products (e.g. citrus plantation, poplar plantation and paddy). In order to compare the results, descriptive statistics were used. The ANOVA test showed that there was a significant difference between the profit derived from different systems. Also results showed that there was a significant and direct relationship among profit variable with literacy level and age of farmers. The results of IRR showed that poplar plantation had more IRR than the other land uses (citrus plantation, poplar plantation and paddy). Also the results showed that agroforestry systems may provide employment. Therefore, agroforestry systems provide economic improvements in addition to social developments.
