PhD student in Environmental Ecology, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences
M. Sc. Graduated, Department of Forestry, Faculty of Natural Resources, University of Mazandaran, Iran
Unfortunately, the facts show the degradation of natural resources in Iran. Due to the importance of this issue, the present study aims to examine the social - economic factors effecting on natural resource degradation, by collecting data from experts in natural resources in the basin 9 Shafaroud of Guilan provinces. For this purpose, this study was performed by collecting descriptive information on socio - economic survey method within a range of 10 degrees with a distance scale. In this range, the number of zero and 10 respectively, defined for response without affecting and a response very effective to the degradation of natural resources. In addition, other types of questions as (yes, no and somewhat) in each of the factors studied were embedded in the questionnaire. Finally, the problems of forest ecosystems in the form of questionnaire with 25 questions provide to administrative senior experts in natural resources. Results of factor analysis showed that 15 cases of problems and bottlenecks discussed, involved more than average in the proper development of the area that their average score was 6.2. To determine suitability of data for the application, KMO and Bartlett test was used. KMO value in this part of the study was estimated 0.788 which is a very good value for factor analysis. Due to this fact that the minimum subscriptions number is 0.73, so subscribe table indicating the suitability of the questions in this area in the process of factor analysis. The results show that the number of farmer and failure to meet the appropriate grazing time is the major reason to destruct natural resources (forest and rangeland). Also illiteracy of foresters and improperly behavior of ranger and changing the exploitation of forests to the private sector, show no significant difference in destruction natural resources.
Amiri Lemar, M. and Moradmand Jalali, A. (2015). Factors affecting the degradation of natural resources (Case study: basin 9 of Shafaroud). Forest Sustainable Development, 1(4), 309-320.
Amiri Lemar, M. , and Moradmand Jalali, A. . "Factors affecting the degradation of natural resources (Case study: basin 9 of Shafaroud)", Forest Sustainable Development, 1, 4, 2015, 309-320.
Amiri Lemar, M., Moradmand Jalali, A. (2015). 'Factors affecting the degradation of natural resources (Case study: basin 9 of Shafaroud)', Forest Sustainable Development, 1(4), pp. 309-320.
M. Amiri Lemar and A. Moradmand Jalali, "Factors affecting the degradation of natural resources (Case study: basin 9 of Shafaroud)," Forest Sustainable Development, 1 4 (2015): 309-320,
Amiri Lemar, M., Moradmand Jalali, A. Factors affecting the degradation of natural resources (Case study: basin 9 of Shafaroud). Forest Sustainable Development, 2015; 1(4): 309-320.